sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

Prayers for the Church

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Pray regarding rest and contentment with God’s providence

Prayer for the people of God, for the absence of murmuring, and for contentment in all things. (Luke 3.14; Philippians 4.11)...

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Concerning Security and Police Forces

Pray for our Police, Military, and other Security and Investigative Personnel. (e 3.1-14; Romans 13.1-10)...

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Seeking First the Kingdom of God and proper Implications

Pray that the Church would seek the Kingdom of God before all else. (Haggai 1.1-15; Matthew 6.25-34)...

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Adoption and its Fruit

Pray for the people of God, that they would walk in the benefits of their inheritance in Christ. (Romans 8.12-39; Galatians 4.1-7)...

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The Perseverance of the Saints

Pray that the Biblical Doctrine of the Perseverance would be taught, received, and practiced in our Churches. (1 Peter 1.1-10; 2 Peter 1.1-21)...

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Christian Liberty and its Fruits

Pray for the Church, for an understanding and practice of true Christian liberty. (Romans 6.1-23; Galatians 5.1-26)...

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The Sanctity of the Truth

Pray for the people of God, that they would be committed to the truth of Scripture. (Isaiah 59.1-21; 2 Thessalonians 2.1-12)...

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Biblical Marriage

Pray for the Church, to set an example of Biblical Marriage, and for society, to turn away from perversion (Genesis 2.18-25; Malachi 2.10-18; Matthew 19.1-12)...

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Bringing Every Thought Captive to the Obedience of Christ

Pray for Godly mental Discipline for the People of God, and all the means thereto. (2 Cor. 10.1-6; Matt. 15.1-19)...

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The Mutual Duties of Christians One to Another

Pray for the Church, that her officers and members would perform their duties as members one of another. (Romans 12.5-21; 15.1-1) ...

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