sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

Christian Warfare

Pray that Christians would remain in the Fight, advancing as they follow Christ, as He builds His Church (Deuteronomy 20.1-20; Ephesians 6.10-20)

  1. Pray that the Church would recognize that she is in a pitched battle in this world, that the victory is already won by her Captain, and that she must continue following Him to victory over sin, over the Devil, and over this world. (1 John 5.4)
  2. Pray that Christians would not give in to temptation easily, but would, the grace of Christ helping them, resist temptation, mortify their sins, do battle with the remnants of corruption, that the Lord would grant growth in grace, sanctification, and encouragement to others, that their profiting might be seen by all, to the glory of their Redeemer. (Colossians 3.1-10)
  3. Pray that Christians would not invite the thought-forms of the enemy of their souls into the Church or families, and would not adhere to the vain philosophies of this age, but would cast down such imaginations, making spiritual war against them, bringing every thought of their own captive to the obedience of Christ. (2 Corinthians 10.1-6)
  4. Pray that armed with the knowledge of God, and growth in the Scripture, that God’s people would speak the truth to an age awash in lies, that which is upright in the day of wickedness, and take up the whole armor of God, waging war against the spirit of the age, the spiritual wickedness in high places, praying with steadfastness. (Eph. 6.10-20) 
  5. Pray that the Church would unite behind her Head and Captain, and that following Him she would not break her ranks; that defectors and traitors would be corrected, and refusing correction, excommunicated, that the leaders in Christ’s Church Militant would follow His commands and counsels, and lead in the way of victory. (Revelation chapters 2 and 3) 
  6. Pray that the weaponry used by the people of God would not be carnal, but spiritual and mighty, taking up the sword of the Spirit, and prayer, and being thus armed, that the gates of hell would not prevail against her—that the Gospel would go forth from pour pulpits, and in personal testimony from the Church, to the glory of Christ. (Matthew 16.18)
  7. Pray for a well-ordered spiritual army, with discipline and order drawn from the wells of Scripture, each soldier talking up his, or her place in the company of the faithful, with the Spiritual disciplines of secret devotion, family training, ecclesiastical order, godly worship, Scripture memorization and meditation, fasting, prayer and all the other “mysteries of God” for the Lord’s sake, that our obedience would be our apologetic. (Deuteronomy 4.9-10; Corinthians 4.1-6) 
  8. Pray for a proper chain of command in this spiritual army, all looking to Christ in their places and ranks, that there would be no conflict or dissension, and that our “divisions” would be those of time and place only, that the Lord would be pleased to grant a true Scriptural unity to his people, doing away with schism from Christ. (1 Corinthians 8.12)