sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

Prayers for the Church

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Pray regarding contentment with God’s providence

Prayer for the people of God, for the absence of murmuring, and for contentment in all things. (Hebrews 13.5-6; Philippians 4.11-19)...

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Christian Business Owners and Leaders

Pray for Christians in positions of leadership in business and commerce, for uprightness and wisdom. (Ecclesiastes 4.8-9; Isaiah 5.8-17)...

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Single Adults in the Bounds of the Church

Pray for single adults in the Church, that they would enjoy godly fellowship and service. (Psalm 68.1-6; 1 Corinthians 7.25-35)...

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The Propagation of the Gospel

Pray for the mission of the Church, to Disciple the Nations, and all Godly means to that end. (Matthew 28.18-20; Ephesians 4.1-17)...

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A Proper sense of Shame and Honor

Pray for the Church, and for Society, that the Lord would grant proper shame for sin, and honor for uptightness. (Jeremiah 6.1-30 )...

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More Prayer for Church and State regarding national sins and repentance.

Pray for the Church in this nation, for a godly witness, prophetic conviction of sin, and leading in righteousness. (2 Samuel 23.1-7)...

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Praying for repentance for National Sins

Pray for our Nation, for repentance from national sins, and for the people of God, for a Christian witness (Jeremiah 3.12-4.18)...

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The Government and Courts of the Church

Pray for the Government of the Church, especially in her “broader courts” for wisdom and uprightness. (Acts 15.1- 16.4; 21.15-26)...

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The Relation between Elders and Members of the Church

Pray that elders and members would work sweetly together in the Church, under Christ, for His glory. (1 Peter 5.1-4; 1 Thess. 5.11-15)...

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Pray for the Church: Repentance from Worldliness

Pray for the Church, for her Purity, Reformation, and Repentance. ( 1 Corinthians 5.1-12; 2 Corinthians 7.5-16; )...

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