sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

The Worship of the Triune God: Joshua 24.14

Pray that the People of this land would worship the true God, calling upon Him by Jesus Christ (Jeremiah 10.1-16 )

  1. Pray that our neighbors and fellow citizens of this land would put away the idols of this age, and serve the true and living God, and that the worship of false religions such as Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and others would cease as an offense to the true God of Scripture in our land, by their adherents turning to the true God. (1 Thessalonians 1.2-10) 
  2. Pray that sub-Christian cults and sects would also cease from their soul-damning errors and turn to the Lord, that such as are lost in the errors of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Roman Catholicism, Arminianism, Christian Scientism, and others, would repent and call upon the Name of the Lord in truth. (Revelation 3.1)
  3. Pray that all men might learn to put away the idols of the heart: Pride, Greed, Willfulness, Sensuality, Antinomianism, Money or material wealth, Country or Nationalism, Military Might, Physical Strength or prowess, and all other things that displace the Lord as the object of our love and devotion in our lives—that these sins would be wiped out of our hearts, and sinful excesses, leading to idolatry even in good things would cease. (Ezekiel 14.1-11)
  4. Pray for all those who call upon the Name of the true and living God that they would worship Him as He has commanded in Scripture, and that all second commandment idolatry would also cease—that the leaders of Churches would search the Scriptures, hearing the Lord as to how He would be worshipped in Spirit and Truth. (Deuteronomy 12.28-32; John 4.24)
  5. Pray for true reverence in our approach to the Lord, wrought by the Spirit in the hearts of God’s people according to His ordinary means of working by His Word, that the people of God would approach the Lord with the reverent fear and service of adopted sons and daughters, with humility and confession of sin. (Micah 6.6-8)
  6. Pray for an end to self-righteousness, that the Lord would bring down the idol of pride, the notion that we are accepted according to our good works, the robustness of our faith, our earthly heritage, our Church affiliation, and all other notions of supposed (yet false) contributions that we make to our acceptance with God, that we might approach the Lord only upon the work of Christ, His active and passive obedience. (Hebrews 10.19-25)
  7. Pray that all, in their appearing before God to worship Him, would come only by the way of our Mediator and Surety, Christ, and that all other approaches to the Triune God would be understood for the soul-destroying errors they truly are, that none would come to worship the true God by any other than Christ, giving thanks for His mediation. (John 14.6)
  8. Pray for an end to all superstitions, holy places and spaces, and all other dregs of idol worship. (John 4.21-23; 1 Tim. 2.8)