sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

The Love of Obedience among the People of God

Pray for the Church, for a love for God and His Commandments, and for obedience as the expression of that love. (Exodus 20.4-6; John 14.15-24; 15.10-14)


  1. Pray for the people of God, that their love would not be directed toward the world that is passing away, but to the Lord and His Word, that she might with great affection embrace obedience. (1 John 2.15-17)
  2. Pray that the Church would embrace the Law of God as loving direction from Christ, that He has given His Word, and His commandments to us in His faithfulness and holiness, and for our good. Pray that we would understand that to work contrary to His commandments is to “destroy ourselves.” (Hosea 13.1-16)
  3. Pray that the Church would embrace the commandments of God as her delight, relishing obedience, advancing in understanding, seeking in Christ always to please our Heavenly Father. (Jeremiah 15.16)
  4. Pray for the Church, that she would not be taken captive by vain philosophy, and ethical systems of fallen reasoning, but desiring to serve the Lord in truth, she would bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, and that beginning with this foundation, her actions, policies, speech, and all other things would be rightly ordered. (2 Corin. 10.1-6)
  5. Pray that the people of God would make the Bible, especially the law of God, the statutes of God, the judgments of God, etc. their delight, their meditation, and that from this biblical foundation they would serve the Lord. (Psalm 119.97)
  6. Pray specifically concerning the Sabbath day, that as we have confessed that “in keeping it, better to keep the rest of the commandments” (WLC 121) that the Church would honor the Lord in keeping His Sabbath holy, and that He would bless this observance of the 4th Commandment so as to grant a love for all kinds of obedience. (Ezekiel 20.12-20)
  7. Pray for repentance in the visible Church for the way she has misused or ignored the Law of God. Specifically:
    1. For teaching that the Law of God is not binding upon the Christian. (John 14.15)
    2. For presenting an unholy and unbiblical dichotomy between law and grace. (James 2.14-26)
    3. For substituting the doctrines and commands of men for the commandment of Christ. (Matt. 15.1-10)
    4. For presenting law-keeping, self-righteousness, and merit religion as the teaching of Scripture, rather than presenting obedience as the response of faith in Christ, and justification by faith alone. (Gal. 3.24)
  8. Pray for the associations of the people of God, that we would choose those friendships and social circle that encourage us to good ethics, obedience, and the expression of our love to God and Christ by obedience. (1 Corinthians 15.33)