sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

Biblical Marriage

Pray for the Church, to set an example of Biblical Marriage, and for society, to turn away from perversion (Genesis 2.18-25; Malachi 2.10-18; Matthew 19.1-12)

  1. Pray for obedience among the people of God, that they would put the work into their marriages that is necessary for mutual sanctification, learning to sacrifice for one another, serving one another, in the context of the Biblical family. (Psalm 128)
  2. Pray that ministers would counsel prospective married couples (man and woman) from the Word of the Lord, that they would learn that God hates divorce, that sinfully to break up a marriage is a heinous sin, that in seeking to please the Lord couples would make use of all the means of peace, love, and reconciliation in their homes. (Matthew 19.5)
  3. Pray that the Lord, by the consistent and blessed example of the godly marriages of the Church, would call the world to account for its perversion of His ordinance, that the Lord would drive out these perversions by His Word, Spirit, and providence, that the Lord would be kind to our society, that the land does not spew us from off of it. (Leviticus 18.24-30)
  4. Pray that in marriage, couples would take their vows seriously, keeping them even when difficult, in obedience to the Lord, knowing that their true contentedness and well-being is found in obedience to Him. (Psalm 15.4)
  5. Pray that the Church would hold her membership to account, that all adultery, fornication, and any other turning from the Lord’s established familial order would be met with Church discipline after due process, that all breakers of the 7th Commandment might repent, calling upon the Name of the Lord. (1 Corinthians 5.3-6)
  6. Pray for watchfulness concerning our own, and our neighbor’s chastity, that we would encourage those kinds of habits that
    make for faithfulness and obedience to the Lord in our marriages. (1 Corinthians 7.1-5)
  7. Pray for all the means of preserving marriages: Good communication, forgiveness, patience, not taking wrongs into account, repentance and restitution when one sins against another, regular family worship, loving openness and candor, attendance upon public worship together, avoiding rancor and bitterness, that the Lord would be pleased to preserve the
    marriages of the Church as an example to the world, and as a means of advancing the Kingdom of Christ. (1 Peter 3.1-12)
  8. Pray for the children of the Church, that they might grow up with their families intact, that the members of the Church would not settle for the world’s standard concerning marriage and family, but that the lambs of Christ might know the blessing of a godly, well-ordered home, and grow up to reproduce that in their own families. (Malachi 2.13-16)