sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

Prayers for Vice-President Harris

Let up pray for the Vice President of the United States, Mrs. Kamala Harris, that she help lead the government in a manner that would be according to justice, equity, wisdom, and righteousness according to the Word of the Lord. 

  1. Pray for the conversion of the Vice-President to Christ, that she would assist in the rule over this nation as one who will give account to God, truly and sincerely professing her allegiance to Him. (Psalm 2.10-12)
  2. Pray that the Vice-President and all those downstream from her, would recognize their positions as ministers of God for good, that they would promote the good according to God’s Word, and discourage and punish evil, again, as ministers of God for good. (Romans 13.1-6)
  3. Pray that the Vice-President would seek to do good for the nation, according to the standard of morality set forth in the Scripture. (Deuteronomy 17.14-17)
  4. Pray that the Lord would turn the Vice-President's heart on the issues of abortion, excessive taxation, indebtedness, the welfare state, the need for local police in our cities, and reject the promotion of false religion. (Proverbs 21.1)
  5. Pray that Vice-President would learn to honor Christ in the following ways publicly, with grace and courage:
    1. Encouraging praying before meals in public venues (Matthew 15.36)
    2. Encouraging the speaking openly about a person's faith in Christ when speaking to others in the world (Mark 5.19-20)<.li>
    3. Encouraging regular Christian Church attendance, in person, on the Lord’s Day. (Luke 4.14-16; Hebrews 10.24-25)
    4. Encouraging the gathering together of Christians publicly for fellowship and encouragement. (Malachi 3.16-18)
    5. Developing and maintaining a good testimony and adornment of her profession of the Gospel in honesty, diligence, uprightness, generosity, sacrificial service, and in speaking the truth of Christ, and the claims of the King of kings in every venue of her life. (Matthew 5.13-16; Isaiah 60.1-3)
    6. Developing and maintaining a ready profession of faith in Christ, and allegiance to him and his Word at all times before the watching world (Matthew 10.26-33)