Prayers for the Moral Condition of Our Nation and Society
Pray for the moral condition of our nation and society. (Psalm 82.1-8; Isaiah 1.21-26)
- Pray for our nation, that we would see the signs of judgment upon us, as from the Lord. (Amos 4.6-13)
- Pray that the laws of our nation would protect the weakest among us, criminalizing the slaughter of unborn children, and uprightly assisting those who care for those who cannot care for themselves. (Psalm 82.1-3)
- Pray for repentance from the abuse of civil authority, that we would be a people governed by just laws, our leaders held accountable, unjust laws repealed, and laws in keeping with God’s Word preserved. (Psalm 94.20-21)
- Pray for repentance regarding the legalizing of ungodly perversion of the Biblical order regarding marriage, human
intimacy, family structure and familial responsibility. (Leviticus 18.22) - Pray for repentance and reformation regarding our nation and culture’s hyper-sexuality and sensuality, that we would reform in terms of modesty, chastity, temperance, and against covetousness. (Romans 13.13-14)
- Pray for a proper use of money, finance, and spending, and that the Lord would deliver us from indebtedness,
covetousness, theft, oppressive usury, and that we might rightly understand our stewardship of God’s goodness to us. - Pray for reformation and revival among professing Christians, for a desire to live in a society governed according to the Word of the Lord, and to undertake all lawful measures toward that end. (1 Timothy 6.1-12)
- Pray for our leaders, that they would hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and turn to Him; turning from wicked practices of governance, and that they might know that they will give account to the Judge of all the Earth. (1 Timothy 2.1-4)
- Pray that our nation would not meddle sinfully in the affairs of other nations, but would rather be a godly influence to all the nations of the world, granting us a desire to follow His commandments in our civil estate. (Deut. 4.1-8)
- Pray for national sorrow, and calls for fasting, for our wicked estate, that we have shaken our fist at the Lord, that He might be gracious to us. Pray for a proper use of chastisements and judgments. (Joel 2.12-17)
More in Prayers for Authority and All Men
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