Prayers for the Government of the Family
Let us pray for a Godly Government for Colorado’s Families.
- Pray that the Church would speak often to the need of God’s people to obey the Lord by maintaining private (family) and secret (individual) worship in her public ministry and teaching, encouraging by means of expressing the great benefits of this regular observance, and correcting those who are lax or rebellious in their practice. (Matthew 6.5-8)
- Pray that all several family groups in the Church, whether singles, or families with or without children, would be careful to maintain “the family altar” that is, worshipping the Lord in their homes, daily. (Deuteronomy 6.4-9)
- Pray that all the people of God would maintain a regular calling upon the name of the Lord in their “closets” by reading Scripture and making some private use, self-examination and confession of sin, pleading the mercy of Christ for themselves and others, for the ministry of the Gospel, for the Church, the magistrate, for temporal and spiritual mercies for themselves and others, for holiness, godliness, and whatever else conduces to the glory of God as they live before the world. (James 5.16; Colossians 1.9)
- Pray that Christians would order their family lives contrary to the world’s perversion of gender, sexuality, roles of husbands and wives, divorce, child-bearing and child-rearing, in obedience to the word of the Lord, and for his glory and witness before the world. (Leviticus 18.1-30; Malachi 2.1-17)
More in Prayers for Authority and All Men
Pray for the Weld County Assessor
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