sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

Prayers for Serving the Lord and Others

Let us pray for the people of God, that we would serve the Lord and one another according to the Scriptures.

  1. Pray for the people of God, that they would serve the Lord by presenting themselves as living sacrifices to the Lord, letting go of their private desires and perceived rights, and serving the Lord with their strength in all things according to the will of God. (Romans 12.1-2)
    1. In worshipping Him according to His Word: (Deuteronomy 12.30-32)
    2. In obedience to His commands: (Deuteronomy 11.8-25; 1 John 5.1-3)
    3. In sacrificial service to Christ and His Body the Church: (Galatians 5.13)
    4. In subduing their minds to His doctrine and ways. (2 Corinthians 10.1-6)
  2. Pray for the people of God, that they would set time aside for serving one another, prioritizing service of others above serving themselves, with gladness, humility, and care one for another. (Deuteronomy 15.10; James 2.15-17)
  3. Pray for the people of God and their Sabbath observance, that they would serve the Lord with gladness, and call the Sabbath a delight. (Deuteronomy 28.45-48; Psalm 100.2; Isaiah 58.13-14)
  4. Pray for the people of God, that they might be granted wisdom and clarity, for good instruction, and all other means of knowing how to serve the Lord and one another, not according to the doctrine and commandments of men, but according to the Lord’s instruction of His people—for officers (Luke 12.41-48) and for members (Romans 16.17-20)
  5. Pray for the people of God, that those who have needs in the Church would make that known, that those needs might be met, and that if there is instruction or correction needed, God’s people would humbly provide and receive that in Christ. (Acts 6.1-7)
  6. Pray for Church officers, that in their service to Christ their service to the Body would be efficacious, done according to the Word, and made effectual by the working of God’s Spirit in all things. (2 Corinthians 12.15)
  7. Pray for Biblical guidance in wise service, not serving according to our own desires or preferences, but according to the wisdom of the Lord, in obedience to Him, even when such service is difficult. (2 Thessalonians 3.6-15)
  8. Pray that the Church would walk in wisdom concerning those that are outside the Church, and serve the world around her in uprightness, according to the Word of the Lord. (Ephesians 5.15-17; Colossians 4.1-6;1 Thessalonians 4.12)