sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

Walk in Wisdom with those who are without.

Pray that the Church would be a witness to the world in all things, holding out the truth of the Lord. (Colossians 4.2-6; 1 Thessalonians 4.9-12)

  1. Pray that in labor, and in our callings, that God’s people would be an example of honesty, diligence, and excellence; that we would seek to serve God in our callings, and as such, would adorn to the Kingdom of Christ. (Colossians 3.22-25)
  2. Pray that in the Church’s use of recreation, leisure, and rest that our lives would be holy unto the Lord, not given to indulgence, but rightly using these gifts of the Lord, to set ourselves in order for service, that these gifts would not abused as ends in themselves, setting an example before the watching world. (Proverbs 25.16; Ecclesiastes 3.1-11)
  3. Pray that as we speak to our friends and neighbors, we would speak the truth, that our communication would not be frivolous, but serious, earnest, that our speech would be seasoned with grace, giving a good answer to all of the hope that lies within us, speaking of the blessings of our Savior. (1 Peter 3.15; Colossians 4.6)
  4. Pray that in all our business dealings, we would deal fairly, always looking for the “win-win” situation, where all parties are treated fairly, and in our buying and selling we would seek after just measures, glorifying the Lord, rendering to the laborer his due for his work, and to the merchant what is just and right. (Leviticus 19.36; Proverbs 20.14)
  5. Pray that the people of God would have a good reputation before the watching world, that there would be no cause for accusation, that our witness would be to the holiness of Christ in our living, and that when sin and wickedness is found with our bounds, that the Church would proceed to godly discipline for the honor of Christ, the purity of the body, and the repentance of the offender, for the glory of God. (Romans 12.17; 1 Corinthians 5-all)
  6. Pray that when called upon, we would have a word in season to him that is weary, and that this word would be consistent with our lives, in compassion, truth, honesty, and in Gospel proclamation, and in upright works of mercy. (Isaiah 50.4)
  7. Pray that God’s people would live as Christians before the world, that every thought would be brought captive to Christ, that our labor, recreation, commerce, health and wellness, personal and family lives, that everything we do would be undertaken in service to our Lord, and that lives lived in that way would draw many to Christ and His Gospel, showing the blessedness of living according to His principles, given in Scripture. (Colossians 4.2-6)
  8. Pray that the people of God would habituate themselves in reading and hearing the Word of the Lord, saturating their minds with Scriptures, speaking often to one another, such that God’s Word, and it principles come pouring forth from them in speech and behavior before the dark world. (Deuteronomy 4.5-8; Psalm 144.9-15; Colossians 3.16-17)