sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

The Truth of God belongs in the mouths of God’s people

Pray for the people of God, that their mouths would be full of the Word of the Lord

  1. Pray that the people of God would be committed to knowing and speaking the truth of God’s Word to one another, and to the world around them, that the Lord would be pleased to propagate His truth throughout this world in this way, that the knowledge of God and His ways would spread throughout the land. (Proverbs 8.7; Acts 28.28)
  2. Pray that our speech would be punctuated with God’s Word, that it would rest foundationally in our minds, and work out in our speech, that we might be profitable to one another. (Colossians 3.16)
  3. Pray for the people of God and their practice of Scripture and Catechism memorization, that the Bible itself, and sound Bible doctrine, might be stored up in our minds, for the sake of holiness. (Psalm 119.11)
  4. Pray that the Lord would write, according to His promise, His Law upon our hearts, in that gracious, saving way, that we might embrace His commandments with joy, obeying Him above all others, and speak of our love and affection for Him and His ways. (Ezekiel 36.25-27)
  5. Pray that the people of God would understand the destruction that lying and deception brings, that instead they would edify one another with the truth, and speak the truth to their spheres of contact in this world. (Ephesians 4.11-16)
  6. Pray for proper judgment and discernment among the people of God, that we would not believe lies, nor participate in vain credulity, but would prove all things, and hold fast to that which is true, upright, and good. (Isaiah 8.20; 1 Thessalonians 5.21; 1 John 4.1)
  7. Pray for the elders of the Church, especially those who labor in Word and doctrine, that the law of truth would be in their mouths, that the mouths of those who teach lies would be stopped, and that the Lord would provide proper discipline and order among the eldership for the sake of the truth. (Malachi 2.6; Titus1.9-11)
  8. Pray that the people of God would remember who the father of lies is, (the Devil) that they would not behave themselves as his children, but the children of the Lord, blameless and harmless, shining as light, propagating the truth, holding forth the word of life in this world. (John 8.44; Philippians 2.14-16)
  9. Pray that the Lord would deepen our faith in the truth of His Word, not saying or doing things that would promote unbelief and skepticism, but promoting the doctrine of God, and adorning it at all times among the people of God, encouraging faith and obedience. (Zechariah 8.16; 2 Corinthians 4.2)