sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

The Practice of Scriptural Meditation among the People of God.

Pray for the People of God, that they would take time to meditate on the Word of the Lord.  (Psalm 1; 119.97-103)

  1. Pray for a right valuation of our mental discipline, that we would not lose ourselves in reveries, day-dreaming, and vain thoughts, but would place our minds at the feet of Christ, meditating upon Him and His Word. (Isa. 26.3)
  2. Pray that, in a world of distraction, sound bytes, bumper stickers, short-time reading and short attention spans, that the Lord would grant to us to drink deeply of His Word, that He would grace our minds with the ability to focus on His Word, to make godly judgment, to lay our lives down in robust mentally effort as offerings to the Lord. (2 Corinthians 10.1-6)
  3. Pray that we would memorize Scripture, sound Catechisms, that we would fill our minds with God’s Word, learn to think after the Lord, that more and more His Word would fill our own thinking. (Psalm 119.11)
  4. Pray for the delight of the people of God in the Law of the Lord, that they might meditate in it day and night. (Psalm 1.2)
  5. Pray that the people of God would have confidence in the Lord, that His ears area open to their meditations, and that He will guide their thoughts toward Himself. (Psalm 5.1)
  6. Pray for confession of untoward thoughts, and repentance from thinking vain thoughts, that the meditation of our hearts would be acceptable in the sight of the Lord through Jesus Christ. (Psalm 19.14)
  7. Pray that the people of God would think upon the Lord, His attributes, perfections, works, might, mercy, truth, etc. that finding these in the means of grace, they would have much fodder for meditation, and that the Lord would meet them in their thoughts, drawing them toward Himself. (Psalm 63.6; 104.34)
  8. Pray that the people of God would love the Law of the Lord, meditating in His statutes, and that the Lord would bless those meditations unto holiness, obedience, and learning to understand and apply His Law. (Psalm 119.48, 78, 97)
  9. Pray that the people of God would take special time to meditate, being purposeful in their setting aside time to fill their minds with good things, and even in depriving themselves of comforts in order to meditate upon the Lord. (Psalm 119.148)