sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

The Marks of Repentance unto life.

Pray that the Church would repent truly, with true Godly sorrow, in this present time.

  1. Pray for a Godly sorrow, for sins committed, duties left undone, affections cold in the things of God, and for seeking new obedience in all these things and beyond. (2 Corinthians 7.10)
  2. Pray for the kind of “carefulness” that accompanies repentance that would make the Church watchful that she might not fall back into the same sins, and to keep herself pure. (2 Corinthians 7.11; Hebrews 2.1)
  3. Pray for that “clearing of yourselves”, that is, the building up of your defenses against past sins, by “breaking off her sins by righteousness”, and offering this change of practice as a testimony to true repentance. (Daniel 4.27)
  4. Pray for a holy indignation in the Church against herself, and all other occasions and tempters to evil, and against sin as an affront to the Lord as we have been brought under the temporal judgments of the Lord. (Jeremiah 31.18-20)
  5. Pray for a holy fear in our Churches and ourselves concerning the displeasure of our Heavenly Father, such that we might be induced to search our hearts, in all areas of our responsibility, for sin to be rooted out. (Proverbs 14.16)
  6. Pray also concerning that “vehement desire” spoken of by the Apostle, that the people of God would desire holiness, turning from evil, good instruction in righteousness, and humility to confess and forsake their sins. (Psalm 38.9)
  7. Pray for zeal for the people of God toward that which is good, jealousy for the honor of the Lord and His righteousness, zeal for His house and pure worship, such that there might be true reformation. (Psalm 69.9)
  8. Pray regarding revenge as well, that God’s people would take vengeance, in a holy manner, upon all that aids and abets their sins, that gives help and comfort to the enemy of our souls, in order to root out all unrighteousness. (Matthew 5.29-30)
  9. Pray that the Lord would grant all means to this kind of repentance from sin: Humility, teachability, tender-heartedness, self-examination, reflection upon the commands of the Lord, sorrow for sin, the abhorrence of excusing and accusing, and any other means He is pleased to provide. (Romans 2.1-15)