sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

The Lord’s Supply of Temporal Things for His People

Pray for Heads of Households, that the Lord would bless the work of their hands for good. (Deuteronomy 8.1-20; 1 Timothy 6.1-21)

  1. Pray for those who labor to provide for themselves and others, that the Lord would give them success to the work of their hands, skill in serving the Lord Christ in their callings, that they might provide for their own households with joy and excellence, and have to give to those who are in need. (Colossians 3.22-25)
  2. Pray for skill and excellence, and a work ethic among Christians befitting a their profession of faith, that they may honor Christ with the work of their hands, setting the example of how rightly to labor according to God’s commandments, and that with cheerfulness, thankfulness, and an eye to the glory of God. (Deuteronomy 2.4-7)
  3. Pray for wisdom on the part of breadwinners and heads of households, to make wise use of their time, maximizing their labors for the glory of God, working six days with diligence, and resting on the Sabbath Day, as an adornment to their profession of Christ, and in preparation for that spiritual duty required of their households. (Numbers 15.32-35)
  4. Pray especially for Christian families, that they would avoid covetousness, live within their means, learn to live upon one income (when blessed with children) that our families might be well ordered, raising children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, as His children, to the glory of God. (1 Timothy 5.8; 5.17)
  5. Pray for our boys and young men, that they might learn the value of diligent labor while in their fathers’ houses, by example, temporal instruction, and from the Scriptures, that they might grow up to glorify the Lord in the work of their own hands, providing for their own households. (Genesis 30.30; 31.36-42)
  6. Pray for our governments, federal and state, that they would not discourage labor among the citizenry, that they would honor the Biblical teaching on work, that they would support the Biblical idea of family, labor, provision, and the 8th Commandment, by ceasing taking money from the working to give to others who will not work. (2 Thess. 3.8-15)
  7. Pray for the hearts of the people of God, that they would be inclined to generosity, especially among fellow-believers, such that government assistance would become unnecessary, and private Christian philanthropy, according to Scripture might flourish. (Ephesians 4.28; Acts 6.1-7; 20.34-35)
  8. Pray for the establishment and maintenance of alternate forms of higher education, from a Christian perspective, that arts and sciences might be maintained among the faithful, and competency in those fields might advance among Christians, according to godliness and faith. (Proverbs 9.1)