sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

The King must Kiss the Son, and rule as one who will give account.

Pray for the repeal of sinful civil law, and the passage of wholesome and upright law. (Psalm 2.1-12; 1 Kings 15.8-14)

  1. Pray that the Lord would be pleased to give godly leaders in our towns, counties, states, and nation, that they might rule with the light of Scripture as their guide, as those who will give account to the Lord—that the citizens of this land would desire godly leadership over them. (2 Kings 11.12)
  2. Pray that in all our civil estates and connections our legislative purpose would be to promote uprightness and obedience to the Law of the Lord, and that all passage of laws that tend to favoritism, cronyism, the result of bribery, or other sinful motivation would be identified, shamed, and punished. (Isaiah 33.13-20)
  3. Pray for the repeal of sinful law, and for the establishment of wholesome law in the land, and that the standard of judging legislation would be the Word of God. (Psalm 82.1-3; Romans 13.1-7)
  4. Pray to the Lord God of truth, that He would expose and shame those civil rulers that have done evil, advanced their own fortunes and sinful authority, did not serve the Lord nor those they governed, but fed upon them instead—that the Lord would bring down the high looks of those who abuse the authority he has given them. (Isaiah 10.12)
  5. Pray that the evil laws that have been ensconced in our land would be rooted out, and that sorrow for sin and works meet for repentance would be granted to those who rose up against the Lord and His holiness in desiring and promoting them, that they might turn to the Lord, and calling upon Him, that they may be forgiven. (2 Chronicles 33.11-20)
  6. Pray that “the nations might know themselves to be but men” that is, that rulers would be humble before the God of all the earth, who always judges and does right, that as His ministers they would serve God, and not themselves. (Ps. 9.11-13)
  7. Pray for our nation and closer localities, that we would not reject the Law of the Lord, but embrace it—that we would not cast it away and place evil law instead, but that the Lord would grant light, the prophetic voice of the Church, to cry up that which is right, and cry down that which is evil, for the healing of our land. (Jeremiah 6.19)
  8. Pray that the evil and perverse would not find help and comfort in legislation—that we would not legally protect that which is evil, but that wholesome behavior, according to the Word of God, would be promoted, countenanced, advanced, ensconced legally, such that the upright in the land might have the protection rightfully due to them. (1 Peter 2.13-14)