sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

The Discipline and Good Order of the Church

Pray for the Church, that the Third Mark of the Church (Godly order and Discipline) would be maintained.

  1. Pray for the people of God, that they would diligently watch over their own hearts, with wisdom, judgment, self-examination, all according to the Scripture, that the first step in the beauty and order of Zion would be competent individual self-government, giving glory to the Lord. (1 Corinthians 11.31-32)
  2. Pray for the officers of the Church, that they would watch over one another, that officers would not give each other “a pass” because they are fellow officers, but in watching over the Church, they might not fear to correct their erring fellow officers, with loving discipline, according to the Scriptures. (1 Timothy 5.17-21)
  3. Pray that those responsible for the discipline of the Church would understand their duty, to protect the honor of Christ, to keep the body pure of “leaven,” and to reclaim offending parties from error and disobedience. (1 Corinthians 5.1-13)
  4. Pray for courage for the Eldership of the Church, that even when maligned and afflicted for following a course of discipline according to the Scriptures, that the leadership might stay the course, that purity of doctrine and practice might be preserved and advanced in the Church, to the glory of her Head, Christ. (2 Timothy 2.1-6)
  5. Pray that in her ministry and policy the Church would not turn to the world to learn morals, or how to administer the third mark of the Church, but that she would hold fast to her Head, search the Scriptures, look for those examples of instruction and explicit teaching on how the leadership of the Church is tasked with keeping the Church pure, and follow the commands and counsels of Christ in proper order and discipline. (Acts 8.18-25; Numbers 16.1-50)
  6. Pray for the members of the Church, that they would desire proper discipline inn the Church, they we all would not default or devolve into “every man doing that which is right in his own eyes,” but that leaders would lead, and members would be convinced of that good leadership when done in keeping with Scripture, for the beautification of Zion, to the glory of her King. (Hebrews 13.17)
  7. Pray that the worship and doctrine of the Church, her instruction in righteous living, wholesome doctrine, and how to interact with those who are outside the Church might provide a good pattern, consistent, from the whole counsel of God, that all would know what the Lord requires of them, that they might maintain good order. (1 Corinthians 14.1-40)
  8. Pray for tenderness of heart, that especially in a day when the Church is in disarray for not exercising proper Church discipline, that the people of God would mourn, and crave that good direction from the Lord. (1 Cor. 5.2; Num. 25.6)