The Devotional Life of the Christian; Learning from Christ.
Pray for the People of God, that their private devotional life would be guided by the Word of God. (Matt. 14.23-25; Mk. 6.46; Luke 6.12)
- Pray that the distractions of this world, the many necessary duties incumbent upon all of us, our own weakness and inattention to important things, and all other such things would not keep the people of God from spending daily, intentional, and focused time with the Lord in prayer, meditation upon, and reading of His Word. (Psalm 1.2; 1 Tim. 4.15)
- Pray that when we come before the Lord in private worship, that we would not think on the next thing to be undertaken in the day, but would “rest in the moment” with Christ and His Word, wringing out the good of that time with Him, seeking the blessing from Him, and taking that blessing with us. (Genesis 32.24-30; Matthew 11.29)
- Pray that the example of Christ, rather than shaming and discouraging us, would encourage us that as He desired time with His Father, even all night, that the Lord would also enlarge our hearts to desire Him above all else, and that our time with Him would be well-spent, the spiritual profit gained thereby most precious to us. (Psalm 73.21-28)
- Pray for parents as they raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, that they would teach them the value of secret worship, that at an early age our children would learn how to call upon the Lord as their God, the lambs of Christ, who has called for the little children to come unto Him. (Matthew 19.14; Park 10.14; Luke 18.16)
- Pray that those times of devotion would begin, and end with thanksgiving for mercies received—that God’s people would stop to ponder His copious goodness to them, which is above all that they might ask or think. (Ephesians 3.14-21)
- Pray in these times of devotion, that God’s people would have the courage to dig deeply into their own souls in self-examination, that we would not draw back from this most necessary duty, that the Lord would meet us in this task with knowledge, objectivity, sorrow for sin, assurance of pardon, and seeking “new obedience.” (1 John 1.9; 2 Cor. 13.5)
- Pray also that in these times of devotion, that we would learn to have compassion and godly pity upon others, especially of the household of faith, and also for the lost, that our prayers would not center upon ourselves and our own needs, but that we, like our Savior, would be touched with the suffering of others, praying for them. (Hebrews 4.14-16)
- Pray that in all these things, our primary aim would be the glory of God, & the advancement of His Name. (Matt. 6.9-13)
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