sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

The Advancement of the Glory of God among the Children of Men

Pray for the People of God, for Proper focus and priority concerning heavenly, spiritual things. (Isaiah 24.1-15; 60.9; Malachi 1.1-14; Philippians 2.5-11)


  1. Pray for the Church, that she would understand her prime purpose, to glorify the Lord in all her doctrine, worship, evangelism, in the ordering of her polity and policy, and in her witness to the watching world; that the Lord would be pleased to put all lesser concerns in their proper place. (2 Thessalonians 1.11-12)
  2. Pray that in the Lord’s judgments upon the earth, in the sending of storms, wars, earthquakes, fires, floods, disease and all other calamity, that His people would set a good example before the world by glorifying His name even in afflictions, calling upon Him for mercy, calling for repentance, and avoiding charging God foolishly. (Job 1.20-22; Lam. 3.37-41)
  3. Pray that in every success, in every blessing, in every gift received, in the day to day goodness of the Lord enjoyed, that the Church would set forth that good example of deflecting all glory and recognition to her Lord, that we would avoid the temptation to ascribe advancement to our own efforts, strength, or prowess. (Psalm 44.3; Deuteronomy 8.17)
  4. Pray that the Church would teach, and Christians would speak, of the Glory of God in His mercy in Christ—that she would faithfully teach the Gospel in all her preaching, and that the false gospels of man’s achievement would be purged from her teaching and not promoted in her conversation before the world. (Psalm 115.1; Romans 9.23)
  5. Pray that the Church would also teach and advance the glory of God in His judgments—that they are according to truth and righteousness, advancing the glory of God in His holiness, that He will by no means clear the guilty, but is the revenger of all rebellion, for His own glory’s sake. (Exodus 34.5-9; Deuteronomy 32.35; Hebrews 12.29)
  6. Pray that the people of God would think often on the greatness of their God, meditating upon His attributes, ordinances, Word, works, and all other ways of His self-revelation to us in Christ, that we might learn more and more to do all for His glory, and would not seek our own glory. (1 Corinthians 10.31-33; Colossians 3.17-23; Proverbs 25.27)
  7. Pray that the people of God would glorify the Lord in the way she hears His Word, walking by faith, not by sight, rejoicing in the truth of Scripture, trusting in the Lord’s Revelation to us, and by turning away from every idol, and every falsehood. (2 Corinthians 4.8-18; 1 Thessalonians 1.6-10)
  8. Pray regarding the worship of God, that the Church would turn away from all substandard elements of worship, and serve the Lord, glorying Him in her worship of Him, according to his commandments. (Psalm 86.9; Revelation 15.4)