sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

The 5th Commandment, The Necessity of Authority.

The Fifth Commandment, The Necessity of Authority: Eph. 6.1-3; Deuteronomy 21.18-21

  1. Pray for the Church, that she might instruct parents from the Word of God how to raise the lambs of Christ in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, that she would not follow worldly philosophy instructing parents to their duty before the Lord. (1 Samuel 20.31-34; Psalm 78.1-8; Proverbs 4.1-4; Colossians 3.21)
  2. Pray for the children of the Church, that they would hear their parents’ instruction, and learn to obey, even when such lessons are hard—that parents would not withhold the rod from their children, but make a good and judicious use of that method of instruction and discipline the Lord has given in His Word. (Psalm 89.32; Proverbs 22.15; 23.13-14; 29.15)
  3. Pray for all in authority in Civil Government, in the Church, and in the Family, that authority would not be exercised arbitrarily, that men would not become tyrants in their positions, but that all commanding and obedience would be “in the Lord” that we would not become lords over one another. (1Peter 5.1-7)
  4. Pray for proper honor one of another as equals in station, serving, sacrificing, praying for one another, assisting one another, setting a good and encouraging example one of another, not envying or grieving over the advancement or recognition one of another, but rejoicing with those who rejoice, and weeping with those who weep. (Romans 12.15)
  5. Pray for those that are under authority, for an inclination to obedience and submission in the Lord to lawful authority, confessing and forsaking all rebellion, anarchy, and independency, and that men would acknowledge the gift of the Lord in that He has provided oversight and supervision—that we are not left as a law to ourselves. (Judg. 21.25; Job 32.1)
  6. Pray for civil governments, that they would not oppress, that civil leaders would not advance their own positions and require service from those over whom they have charge, but would, as servants of the Lord, remember that they too will stand before the Lord and give account of their administration. (Psalm 82.1-8)
  7. Pray for those who employ others in business and commercial enterprise, that they would remember that they have a master in heaven, and provide godly leadership and labor. (Ephesians 6.9; Colossians 4.1)
  8. Pray especially for Christians in their commercial relations, that as employees we would not steal time or goods, as purchasers we would pay fair prices for goods and services, as providers of the same we would not take advantage of one another, loving our neighbors as ourselves, adorning our profession of the Gospel. (Matthew 22.34-40)
  9. Pray that the officers/members of the Church would follow Christ in their relations. (1 Thess. 5.11-15; 2 Cor. 12.14-15)