sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

The 10th Commandment and Idolatry.

Pray that all people would be content to know the Lord their God, and serve Him, contentedly.

  1. Pray for the preaching and teaching of the Church, that she would be sound in teaching concerning desire, that she would learn to desire what the Lord has set before her, in holiness, in knowledge, in her temporal estate, before others, and in every other desire, that she would rest contentedly in the Lord, and His abundant provision. (Philippians 4.10-19)
  2. Pray that the Church might understand the connection between covetousness and idolatry, that to desire apart from the commands and counsels of the Lord is to reject Him for another supply, another wisdom, another authority, that the people of God would confess their discontentedness, and turn to the Lord and His mercy. (Ephesians 5.5)
  3. Pray that we would be a humble people, remembering what we truly deserve, judging that the least of God’s mercies are  far beyond what we ought to receive, that as His people, we would doubt His kindness, but learn to see that His supply is for our good, at all times. (Genesis 32.10)
  4. Pray that the people of God would learn to identify those things that God does for them ) each day in His care for them, and would learn to think of how much they have, rather than what they do not. (2 Samuel 7.18)
  5. Pray that this sin of the heart would teach us how far short we fall from the glory of God, and would humble us with a greater sense of our sins, and that greater recognition of the Lord’s mercy in Christ. (Romans 7.7-13)
  6. Pray that the Lord would, more and more, heal our desires, that we would desire holiness, justice, grace, truth, service, communion with Christ and all saints, that we would desire the right things. (Luke 22.15; Psalm 73.25; 1 Timothy 3.1)
  7. Pray that the Lord would send thankfulness, gratitude, first to Himself for all He has done for us (which is beyond what we can ask or think) and also to those persons and circumstances in this world that present the Lord’s goodness to us, that we would be thankful fore them, and to those who bless us in this way. (Philippians 1.3; Philemon .4)
  8. Pray for a charitable frame of soul toward our neighbor, and all that is his, such that we would rejoice over his advancement, that we would labor for the advancement of others, for hospitality without grudging, and that the Lord would replace our grief and envy over our neighbor’s blessing with rejoicing for him instead. (Romans 13.9)