sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

Service and Compassion for the People of God

Pray for hearts of service and compassion among the people of God toward one another.

  1. Pray for those who are sick among the people of God, that their brothers and sisters in Christ will be of service to them, helping them in their time of need, encouraging them, and praying for them, and pray for their healing. (James 5.14-15)
  2. Pray for those who are in the medical profession as they care for the sick, that the Lord would spare them infection, give them large hearts toward their patients, and free them from anxiety. (1 John 3.17)
  3. Pray that during this time of greater risk of infection, that those who are sick, fearful, or at greater risk would take proper precautions, that the Lord would bless those means, and for a settling of fear toward one another, and that our hearts re not estranged from one another during this time of separation. (Romans 12.9-13)
  4. Pray that the Lord would give heart-compassion one toward another, remove a censorious spirit, and draw His people into greater conformity to Christ, and in love toward one another, during this time of anxiety for many. (Galatians 5.13-15)
  5. Pray that our own comforts, ease, and personal benefit would diminish in importance as we have opportunity to serve others sacrificially during this time of civil disruption. (1 John 4.10-13)
  6. Pray that fear and anxiety would not over-rule the responsibility we have to one another to serve each other, even at risk of personal discomfort. (John 15.17-18)
  7. Pray for generosity of spirit, that if God’s people have something by which others might be relieved, that they would be open handed toward one another, that the Lord would abate our natural selfishness. (Leviticus 25.14-17)
  8. Pray that the Lord would remove envy from His people, that we should “bear our own burden” and not lay claim to our brother’s goods or good will during this time. (Galatians 6.1-6)