sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

Reformation of Church Government to the Scripture Pattern

Pray that the Lord would reform the Church regarding her godly government and unity thereby.

  1. Pray for a return to confidence in the Word of the Lord, that it is a sufficient rule for all of life, and especially as we consider Christ as the Head of His Church, and what He has established for her government, in the hands of Elders, in graded Church courts. (1 Timothy 5.17; 2 Timothy 3.16; Acts 15.1-31)
  2. Pray that the Elders of the Church would determine rightly those things that belong to the welfare and government of Christ’s Kingdom, would avoid legislating where Christ has not commanded, would refuse to bind the consciences of God’s people sinfully, and would provide for true Christian liberty. (2 Corinthians 13.1-14)
  3. Pray that those who are called to teach in the Church would use their office unto the edification of the body of Christ, as the people of God learn from their teachers to speak the language of Zion, building one another up in the Name of
    the Lord, according to the Scripture, and unto true Biblical unity. (Ephesians 4.11-16)
  4. Pray that Elders in the Church would not lord it over God’s heritage, but be examples to the flock, feeding them spiritually upon the Word and Sacraments administered according to the Word of Christ. (1 Peter 5.1-4)
  5. Pray that the Lord would bring discipline and correction against those Elders that rule according to the doctrines and commandments of men, that they would give heed to that discipline, or be removed from office. (Ezekiel 34.1-16)
  6. Pray for righteous discipline among Sessions, Presbyteries, Synods, and General Assemblies, that those Elders who sin among them might be rebuked, that Elders would judge one another rightly, for the good of the flock, for the honor of Christ, and that God’s people might have confidence in their leaders thereby. (1 Timothy 5.19-25)
  7. Pray for confessional fidelity among the Elders of the Church, godly disallowing of harmful doctrine and practice, that the leaders of the Church would honor their vows, and set an example to one another, to the membership of the Church, and would have their yea to be yea. (3 John 1.9-14)
  8. Pray that Elders of the Church would not involve themselves overmuch in then affairs of this world, that they may please Him who has called them to serve, that their service might be without distraction. (2 Timothy 2.1-7)
  9. Pray that Elders might proceed with wisdom regarding the succession plan of their Churches, that when the leaders and stalwarts of today pass from this world, the Lord would through these means provide godly successors in all, that we might progress in godliness and holiness from generation to generation. (2 Timothy 2.1-2; Numbers 27.15-23)