sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

Pray that the Church would learn to profit from the Lord’s chastisements, that He would give beauty

  1. Pray that the people of God would not seek personal pleasure, ease, temporal prosperity, leisure or recreation primarily, but seeing the potential of carnality in these things, thieir delight would be in the Lord, in faith and obedience, and that true enjoyment and pleasure would be measured by that which is spiritually most valuable. (Amos 6.1-7)
  2. Pray for the people of God, that their desire would be for holiness of life, being those set apart unto the Lord for His use, such that they would bear any cost to please Him, that they would not prefer the pleasures of sin for a season to living soberly, holy, and uprightly before the Lord. (Hebrews 11.24-29)
  3. Pray that the Lord would treat with us as a faithful father, that when we have strayed from His good ways, that He would make His Fatherly displeasure known through loving chastisement, that we He would give us ears to hear His judgments, that we might profit from His correction. (Revelation 3.14-22)
  4. Pray that our love for righteousness would outstrip our love for the pleasure and ease of this world, such that when we are chastened of the Lord, these works of God would separate us from worldliness, and in our affliction we would call upon the Lord, trusting in His providence and mercy. (Job 1.20-22)
  5. Pray for spiritual maturity for the Church as the Lord brings affliction, that she would not murmur, would not questions God’s goodness, would not turn back from her profession of Christ under affliction, but with childlike confidence in the Lord would rest upon His goodness, confessing her sins, looking to Him for relief and profit. (Psalm 119.65-72)
  6. Pray for contentment and patience under the Lord’s chastisement, that the people of God would not seek simply to be released from affliction, but would continue to wrestle with the Lord until the “peaceable fruits of righteousness to them that are exercised thereby” are realized. (Hebrews 12.11; Genesis 32.26)
  7. Pray for a proper understanding of God’s providence in affliction, that the people of God would not apply blame or responsibility for affliction and trial upon mediate sources only, but would understand God’s hand in all our afflictions, learning to call upon Him for profit, and then relief of affliction, seeking good in it. (Genesis 50.20-21)
  8. Pray for humility under affliction, that afflicting times would be reflecting times of self-examination. (2 Cor. 12.1-10)