sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

Pray for the Church, that she would witness to the 8th Commandment in her teaching and example.

Pray for the Church, that she would witness to the 8th Commandment in her teaching and example. (Deut. 19:14-21; Luke 3:10-14; Eph. 4:28)

  1. Pray for the Church, that she would hear the Word, and depart from theft, and all support for it: whether in perversions of so-called love, generosity, place and station, encouraging and indulging the indolent, wealth redistribution, etc. and that she would teach the Biblical principles of tithing, generosity, and proper compassion. (Proverbs 11:25; Eph. 4:28)
  2. Pray that the Lord would grant His Spirit, by the preaching of His Word, that envy and jealousy would be corrected, that he would give repentance, and they might be replaced by Biblical contentment and generosity. (Galatians 5:17-26)
  3. Pray for our civil estate, for fiscal frugality, and inculcation of temporal self-reliance in our educational systems and Churches, reduction of excessive taxation, pork-barrel politics, buying and selling of political influence, taking bribes, that the Lord would root the thieves out of civil position of authority, or give repentance from theft. (Isa 33:11-17)
  4. Pray that judges would hear the Word of the Lord, that the general equity of restoration and restitution would take its proper place in the punishment of evildoers, rather than locking offenders away, that the Lord would grant that through just civil punishments, and ecclesiastical discipline, offenders would repent and sin no more. (Luke 19:1-10)
  5. Pray for justice in business, in contracts, in the relations of employers and employees, that rather than adversarial, all parties would undertake for mutual well-being, ungrudging temporal advancement for all parties. (Deut. 15:9-11)
  6. Pray for the understanding among the Church, and society, that the things we have are from the Lord, and that we would protect His interest, care for what he has given us according to His commands and counsels, and make use of all his bestowal as good stewards of his mercy to us. (1 Corinthians 4:7)
  7. Pray that we would protect the good of our neighbor properly, rightly using the generosity of one another, not abusing one another, and that the Lord would grant labor and wealth sufficient for our needs. (Deuteronomy 15:1-8)
  8. Pray for the fathers of families and heads of households, that they would labor diligently in their callings to provide for their families, and that the Lord would bless the work of their hands. (Deut. 2:7; 14:29; 24:19)
  9. Pray that those who do not work would be brought to the shame of their indolence, and receive proper instruction, that the Lord would give repentance, and diligent labor to them. (2 Thessalonians 3:6-15)