Christian Nurture and Christian Children
Pray for the children of the Church, that their Christian Nurture would go forward with success.(Deuteronomy 29.10-29; 31.1-13; Psalm 78.4-8)
- Pray that the Lord would be gracious to our little ones, that He would make use of all the means of grace to call, convert, edify, and draw them to Himself, and that we would not rest in means, but in the Lord’s promises concerning the children of the Church, that He claims them as His own. (Mark 10.13-16)
- Pray for the parents of the Church, that they would take, not only an active role, but the primary role in raising their children in the nurture and instruction of the Scriptures, making use of their Church homes, family conference, catechetical labors, a Christian education, etc., and that the Lord would bless those means, drawing them to Himself. (Deuteronomy 11.18-22)
- Pray that the parents of the Church would not off-load the duty of Christian instruction of their children to others—be it Christian Schools, Sunday Schools, or any other means by which parental intimacy and authority is invaded—that they might receive the Christian nurture of their children as a joyous gift and duty from the Lord. (Ex. 12.26-27; 13.14-15)
- Pray for family integrity, that the responsibilities of parenthood would not be invaded by the Church or State—that well meaning folks would not unwittingly destroy the institutions which God has ordained for some better idea, but that God’s design might be implemented, reformed when necessary, and effective under His hand. (Deuteronomy 4.6-10)
- Pray regarding our civil government, that the current trend of usurping and undermining family authority would be reversed, that parents would be unmolested in the exercise of liberty regarding their children’s education, especially in the things of Christ. (1 Samuel 8.4-11)
- Pray that Christian parents would protect their children from the perverse predators prevalent in our day, that such wickedness would not be tolerated, and punished by the civil magistrate, that civil authority would respect the God-given rights and responsibilities of parents to raise their children as Christians. (1 Corinthians 7.14)
- Pray for Christian parents, that they would be wise regarding how and when to permit their children regarding exposure to media, screen time, and other dangers, that they would cultivate strong relations with their children, that children would respect and honor their parents’ efforts to protect them from harmful influences—that parents would not default to easy, nor follow the Spirit of the age, but would protect their children from evil influence. (Genesis 32.9-12; Ephesians 2.2)