sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

Christian Liberty

Pray that the Church would understand and walk in her true liberty in Christ: Romans 6.1-23; John 8.31-36

  1. Pray that the people of God would not be guilt-ridden unto despair, but would know their liberty from everlasting punishment, such that those who mourn would be comforted. (Matthew 5.4)
  2. Pray that the ministers of the Word would not teach freedom to sin, but freedom from sin’s dominion, and freedom in Christ to hear and obey Him, putting away and mortifying sin. (Colossians 3.5-11)
  3. Pray that the people of God would know their liberty from the sting of death, that they would not fear death, but the Lord Himself as adopted sons and daughters, in obedience to Him no matter the cost. (Matthew 10.28-34)
  4. Pray that in the pursuit of Christian liberty, ministers would preach the Law of God as that standard of thankful living before the Lord as His people, that His commandments would not be grievous, but a delight. (1 John 5.1-3)
  5. Pray for God’s people, that we would know the liberty we have in access to the throne of grace in times of trouble and distress—that for Christ Jesus’ sake we have a hearing with the Father, and liberty to approach Him. (Ephesians 3.12)
  6. Pray that in these days of the New testament, we would profit from that freer access to the Spirit of God and His more copious pouring out upon the Church, that we might walk in all His ways. (Ezekiel 36.25-27)
  7. Pray that the Church would know that God alone is Lord of the conscience, that we would present ourselves before Him, to be examined by Him as our judge, that we would invite His searching out of us, in our hearts, speech, and behavior, that we might be free from the doctrines and commandments of men. (Psalm 139 all)
  8. Pray especially at this time of year, that the doctrines and commandments of men would not push out the Commandments of God—that the 4th commandment would not suffer in our esteem by the practice of man’s holy days, that the Lord would cause us to hear His sweet commands instead of the world’s pressure. (Matthew 15.1-9)
  9. Pray that for the Church, Christian liberty would not be to follow blindly one’s own conscience, preference or will, that in the name of Christian liberty she would not follow any illicit lust, errant doctrine, or in any way think of our most holy faith as something less that hearing the Lord, objectively, according to His Word, and bending here will and practice, belief and doctrine to the Word of the Lord. 1 Peter 2.16)