sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

Calling upon the Lord as “Our Father”

Pray that God’s People would rightly reckon their privileges in their adoption.  (Isaiah 63.7-64.1-12)

  1. Pray that the people of God would understand the great privilege it is to be called the children of God, and would not follow the falsehood that “we’re all God’s children,” that the Lord might be pleased to deliver many in our age from “their father the devil,” and bring them into His family by adoption, through Christ. (John 8.44; Colossians 1.13)
  2. Pray for childlike reverence, humility, and dependence upon our Heavenly Father, trusting in His judgments, receiving His providence with joy and contentment, resting in His goodness and looking for His blessing in every temporal way He sends, whether abounding or abased, giving thanks to Him, always thinking high thoughts of Him. (Isaiah 64.6-12)
  3. Pray for confidence in prayer as we ask from our heavenly Father the things that are good for us, according to His design, and also which advances His manifest glory in this world. (Luke 11.11-13)
  4. Pray that we would look to our heavenly Father for direction, instruction, and wisdom to walk in these dark days with light, and joy, that we would draw others to glorify our Father in heaven through our obedience to Him. (Matthew 5.13-16) .
  5. Pray that we would not chafe or complain under our father’s correction, rebuke, and chastisement, remembering that the Lord chastens His sons and daughters, and scourges every child He receives as His in Christ, that they may partake of his holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. (Hebrews 12.1-14)
  6. Pray that we would take the example of our heavenly Father’s kindness to all, and ourselves turn with kindness to one another within and without the household of faith, that we might love our enemies, pray for them that persecute us, that we may, by following our Father, show ourselves to be His sons and daughters, in kindness to all. (Matthew 5.43-48)
  7. Pray for proper forgiveness one to another among the people of God, as we have been forgiven our sins in Christ, by our heavenly Father, according to Christ’s parable of forgiveness in Matthew 18, that we would not hold grudges, dredge up past hurts, withhold forgiveness—but that we would freely forgive as we have been forgiven. (Matt. 18.21-35)
  8. Pray that we would look away from the world, and look to our Father, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ, that we would seek to know, understand, and receive His blessings rather than the baubles of this world, that we would keep ourselves from the idols of this age, serve and worship our heavenly Father always. (Eph. 1.3; 1 John 5.18-21)