Prayers for the Mission of the Church
Let us pray for the mission of the Church and for discipleship....
Keep ReadingI exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
1 Timothy 2:1
Pray for our Nation, for repentance from national sins....
Let us pray for the mission of the Church and for discipleship....
Keep ReadingLet us pray for a Godly Government for Colorado’s Families...
Keep ReadingLet us pray for Colorado’s Godly Church Government, under Christ. That the visible church may be governed according to godliness and uprightness....
Keep ReadingLet us pray for Colorado’s Weld County County Council (Rupert Parchment, Tonya L. Van Beber, Nancy Teksten, James Welch, Elijah Hatch). We pray that they would successfully take part in representing this county according to justice, equity, wisdom, and righteousness as commanded in the Word of the Lord....
Keep ReadingLet us pray for Colorado’s Weld County County Council (Rupert Parchment, Tonya L. Van Beber, Nancy Teksten, James Welch, Elijah Hatch). We pray that they would successfully take part in representing this county according to justice, equity, wisdom, and righteousness as commanded in the Word of the Lord....
Keep ReadingLet us pray for Colorado’s Weld County District Attorney (Michael J. Rourke). We pray that he would successfully take part in representing this county according to justice, equity, wisdom, and righteousness as commanded in the Word of the Lord....
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