sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 4:30 PM

More Prayer for Church and State regarding national sins and repentance.

Pray for the Church in this nation, for a godly witness, prophetic conviction of sin, and leading in righteousness. (2 Samuel 23.1-7)

  1. Pray concerning the Church systematic violation of the 4th Commandment, breaking the Sabbath, and providing for those who refuse to labor on the other 6 days of the week, that she would repent, turn to the Lord, and set an example of godly labor in its time, and holy worship one whole day in seven. (Deuteronomy 5.13-15)
  2.  Pray concerning the estate of the family and marriage in the Church and state, that perversions of the Creation Ordinance of marriage would be discountenanced by civil and ecclesiastical authority, that we would hear our Creator and Redeemer primarily in how we order our families, and that the Church would lead by example, following the Lord. (Matthew 19.4-6)
  3. Pray regarding labor and calling, that Christian men would rise up faithfully in their families and labor for them, providing for them as the Lord gives strength, and that those who refuse work would be properly disciplined by Church authority—that the Church and Civil authority would not indulge the indolent, but encourage lawful labor. (2 Thessalonians 3.6-15)
  4. Pray for our civil leaders, that they would be converted to Christ and use their authority as those who will give account to Him. Pray for repentance for those leaders who profess Christ and yet rule habitually against His Word, deceive their constituents, and betraying their trust, that the Lord would bring them to repentance. (Daniel 4.27)
  5. Pray for Christians, Elders and members, as they interact with local civil leadership, for good relations, that even our local leaders would be converted to Christ, that they might have Pastors to counsel them concerning public morality from the Scriptures, that in all their actions they would seek to honor Him. (2 Samuel 23.1-4)
  6. Pray for business and commercial concerns in our nation, for Christians as they work in positions of leadership in business, looking not primarily to the “bottom line” but to righteousness, how to provide godly service and sales to customers, how rightly to care for employees, how to be holy and give a good answer for their labors to Christ. (1 Timothy 6.1-19)
  7. Pray that the ungodly influence that comes with federal dollars, and that unconstitutionally, would cease within and without our borders, that the federal government would draw itself back to constitutional boundaries, and that the Lord would deliver us from the “economic tyranny” of spreading around money gathered by excessive taxation. (Deuteronomy 16.19)
  8. Pray that our leaders would not threaten the interests of other nations, but seek a “win-win” in our relations internationally, that we would cease war-mongering, and promote true peace with respect for other nations. (Deuteronomy 2.1-7)